Beth Walker
Beth loves languages. She studied French to A Level and still try to maintain her skills through listening to French music and reading French articles.
She also studied Spanish to GCSE level, although nearly wasn’t allowed …
When choosing her GCSE options, she was certain that she wanted to do both French and Spanish. However, the school didn’t allow it as they said it would be too difficult to learn two languages at the same time. She wrote two letters to the head teacher, one in each language, explaining her passion for language learning and, thankfully, he allowed her to continue studying them.
As an English student she considers herself a true wordsmith. She is fascinated by how languages work, and this fascination is going to inspire much of the content she creates for Lingo.
She can’t wait to start working alongside the super talented Lingo Committee to produce what she's certain will be a fantastic new languages and culture magazine.